Somatic Breathwork

Throughout a day, and even throughout our lives, we accumulate stress. This stress is stored in the body as emotional energy—and this energy wants to move through us. But too often we suppress it, because we don’t have a safe space for its expression. 

Somatic Release Breathwork™ is designed to help you move this energy out of your mind-body. 

I am a trained facilitator in Somatic Breathwork™— a modality evolved from holotropic-style breathwork, augmented with hands-on bodywork techniques and carefully timed breath-holds, to help you clear out trauma, old stuck energy, and emotional residue from the past. And what happens then, is you become CLEAR.

Clarity to help you see old patterns, and new opportunities.

Clarity on challenges or blockages you may be facing at home, in relationships, or your career.

Clarity on your purpose in life.

When you release this trapped energy, you free up bandwidth in your mind and body. You can finally use all of your life force on what you want to accomplish instead of holding on to old emotions that no longer serve you. 

I welcome you to experience the power of the breath.

Ready to get started?

  1. Please read the waiver below for more information and important health considerations and contraindications.

2. Once you have completed the form, you may schedule a 1:1 session using Calendly below.
(For group or in-person sessions, please request in the comment box below.) Thank you!