Wandering through nature
and soul
“...to wander far from the familiar "home" of his adolescent ways of belonging, doing, and being. He must, as poet Mary Oliver puts it, "stride deeper and deeper into the world." …What is critical is not whether he engages in this practice or that, or undergoes this ritual or another, but that his wandering changes his relationship to the world, that he leaves the home of his adolescent identity, and that his border crossings usher him into the mysteries of nature and psyché.”
― Bill Plotkin, Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World
Latest Wanderings
I know that psychedelic experiences are ineffable by their very nature, so I won’t mince words: My fourth ayahuasca ceremony was the single-most healing moment of my life... forcing me to confront, the darkest depths of my psyche: the root of my suicidal ideations and depression.
I was there for one reason only: to pray to the Earth for a vision, a glimpse of my soul purpose, the truth at the core of my being… I am not, and may never be, ready to share the visions I received on my Quest. However I do feel called to share the sequence of events that led me here, to where I sit typing this blog post, in the Sacred Valley of Perú.
Today, glyphosate can be found in everything from a box of “heart healthy” Cheerios, to Quaker Oats, to Sabra Hummus, and virtually all samples of conventional (non-organic) wheat and flour found on grocery store shelves today. Glyphosate is so pervasive that it is now in almost every bite of food in the U.S. food supply.
Picarones (peek-uh-roe-nays) are nothing less than a culinary wonder of the world. Hailing from Peru, these golden-fried treats… come drizzled with a “miel de higo” or “fig honey.” But it isn’t honey at all—adding to this sweet treat’s mystique…
The settings and culture of the ayahuasca tourism industry are very different, nigh unrecognizable, from Indigenous ayahuasca traditions… The modern ayahuasca scene in Peru and elsewhere around the globe, is but a puppet, dressed in ceremonial garb to give the impression of authenticity…
While ayahuasca has become quite popular in the U.S. and the rest of the industrialized West, I realize many people don’t actually know what it is or what it does. So today, I want to elucidate some of the mystique surrounding this powerful medicine from the Amazon jungle.
As I pray, I can feel the acidic sludge churning in my stomach, like a snake, writhing it’s way down, deeper and deeper into my intestines… Unexpectedly, and without the consultation of my rational mind, my prayer morphs into a new intention:
Please Mother Ayahuasca, help me heal my gut.
Later in the evening, I would learn exactly why this shift occurred.
I stare down into the dark brown brew, but see no reflection in the glinting sludge. I grasp it with both hands and hold it next to my heart, silently praying my intention…
Integration is the single-most important—and most frequently bypassed—aspect of psychedelic therapy. It is most often thought of as a period of processing after a psychedelic journey… And it is. But I believe integration begins before the psychedelic experience itself.
The stories of “healthy” young people suffering greatly, or even perishing from this Coronavirus are presented as both heartbreaking and terrifying. But to me, even as one of these “healthy” high-risk young people, this is not the time for sorrow, worry, or fear—all emotions which serve to suppress the immune system. This is the time for introspection, compassion, and community—human and microbial alike.

Stories and photographs from my journey toward psychospiritual wholeness.
Jonathan Sekerak is currently wandering the mountains and jungles of Southern Perú.