Journey of Self Love
One-month, 1-to-1 transformational mentorship
Do you long for more authentic connection in the world, but struggle to speak your truth?
Do you never quite feel “enough” in your relationships or career?
Are you often entangled in Self-sabotaging patterns, people-pleasing, or disparaging self-talk?
At the root of all of these, is a lack of Self Love.
Self Love is the foundation of healthy relationships and connection to the world around us.
But most of us are never taught how to love ourselves.
As a consequence, we move through the world constantly seeking love outside of ourselves. This often means conforming to the desires and expectations of others, which is a one-way ticket to losing ourselves, sacrificing our authenticity and ultimately, a path to loneliness and heartache.
Journey of Self Love was designed to help men reclaim their authentic selves, and begin loving their whole Self:
body, mind, and soul
“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of the universe that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
—Marianne Williamson, American author, spiritual leader, and political activist
Self Love is our birthright.
But often we block ourselves from this due to childhood trauma, toxic past relationships, adolescent emotional woundings, and other energetic residue from our past.
This residue lives not only in our mind, but in the body too.
The Journey of Self Love works on the level of the mind and body—to clear these old stuck emotions and stories, and shift you into a state of choosing love and choosing your Self.
What clients are saying
What’s included?
Month-long transformational journey, includes daily voice message support, weekly coaching, and “Deep Dive” sessions to get you on the path to self-confidence, self worth, and ultimately Self Love:
Intro to the Principles of Self Love
Shame Alchemy Session — shame is the fear of disconnection, and fear is the antithesis of love. This shame only thrives in secrecy. By expressing those parts of ourself shrouded in shame, in the presence of a compassionate witness, we bring light to the shame shadow, and open the closets of the psyche to more love
Self Worth Workshop (:90) to uncover Values and learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries
Soul Empowerment Therapy to break any self-sabotaging patterns, heal your inner child, and remove any limiting beliefs around love, self worth, and not feeling “enough”
Daily voice message support as needed (available weekdays)
Guided meditations, breathwork, and practices for nervous system regulation and cultivating Self-Compassion and Self Love
Educational resources and interactive journalwork between sessions
Lastly, we'll put it all together in a 1-hour Integration & Embodiment Session, with an action plan and steps to move you toward Confidence, Worthiness, Acceptance, and Love, for self and others, in all facets of your life.
Option 1: $399 per week for 4 weeks*
Option 2: $1497 one-time payment
*I never want money to be the reason someone can’t access the healing & wholing work they deserve. If 399/week feels out of reach, please email me and let me know your situation so we can find an investment level that works for you.
Ready to get started?
Please complete the form below, and I will be in touch shortly to schedule an exploratory call.