Transformational Coaching

Break free from shame and self-limiting patterns.
Step into your power as a queer man.

Gay, bi, queer…
Men, I see you.

For queer men, we often lose ourselves when we are sandwiched between the expectation-laden environments of career and culture. Dr. Gabor Maté says humans are “bio-psycho-social” creatures—the cultural waters in which we swim, inform our psychological and somatic state of being.

In career, we face pressure to conform to a hetero-masculine stereotype, and to derive our self-worth solely from our professional performance, our productivity in the workplace.

In culture, and queer subculture in particular, there is often an implicit expectation of sexual promiscuity within an environment of unintentional partying, drinking, and substance (ab)use. In this cultural context, there is outsized emphasis placed on sexual conquests and social status, instead of relational depth and authentic connection.

“For those who are ready, I humbly guide you through the precipitous and wondrous territories of your psyche, to the centerpoint of their being, your soul.

Through compassionate witnessing — and an unwavering trust in your innate somatic intelligence, unique expression, and resilience-against-all-odds to choose love again, and again — I am able to help you reclaim your wholeness; that wholeness that is your birthright, at the center of your being.

I look forward to being that friendly face and helping hand, on the difficult and winding path home to yourself.”

— Jonathan

Ready to get started?

Please complete the form below, and I will be in touch shortly to schedule an exploratory call.